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What can be gathered in your duct system?

Tons of gunk and grimes can be collected inside your ducts. Throughout the years with no proper cleaning and maintenance, various elements can be gathered inside your ducts that can considerably impose a threat in your health and comfort.

In this blog, we will discuss different types of filth that can be collected inside your air duct system.

Specks of dust

A substantial amount of dust can be collected inside your duct system. Dust is composed of various dirt inside your premises such as dead skin, pollen, dander, and tiny fibres. Massive amounts of dust can deteriorate your high-operative ducts.

Periodic inspection for once in a while is important to ensure and remove specks of dust inside your ducts. You will notice a significant difference in the performance of your ducts and the air quality you have in your place.


Sometimes outside pollutants can hamper the quality of your ducts. The outside allergens are bound to penetrate inside your duct system and can be inhaled, making it difficult for you to breathe and experience respiratory problems in the long run.

Cleaning and utilising vacuum are some of the effective ways to absorb and remove the pollutants from your ducts.

Pest infestation

Pest infestation may develop inside your ducts. When you check the internal system of your ducts, you might be surprised to see infestations of cockroach, rodents, bugs, and even tiny snakes may crawl their way into the vents especially during winter. To get rid of pests, we recommend PestMasters as preferred service for pest control in Melbourne.

It can be scary to check your vents with the thought of pests lurking inside it. Your wise solution is to hire professional help from trained experts who have years of experience in eradicating not only dirt but pest infestation as well.

Mould growth

Due to the moisture, your vents produce, mould growth is possible to happen. The water buildup on your air duct system can be a huge contributory factor as to why mould development may take place.

When you unknowingly inhaled moulds, you may have serious problems with your respiratory tract that leads to hospitalisation. To avoid this from happening, do not open your vents yet and let licensed specialists check and clean up your air duct system thoroughly. Call us now for duct cleaning Melbourne services.